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The mountains are our world.

And now they’re ready to be climbed again!

Ready for an epic hiking season? Here are our tips. 

Winter has finally said its goodbyes, and spring has arrived in Pitztal. While you can already feel a hint of summer in the valley below, here in Plangeroß, we are enjoying our first taste of milder temperatures and snow-free hiking trails. The hiking season is finally upon us! Before you begin your mountain adventures, prepare yourself by taking a few important steps. We asked Grandpa Sepp for advice on what to pay attention to at the start of the hiking season.

  • Take things slowly. At the beginning of the season, opt for easier and shorter hikes at moderate altitudes. Once your body adapts to endurance training and altitude, you can tackle longer and more challenging hikes.
  • Check your hiking boots to ensure they’re still in good shape. Inspect the tread, shoelaces, and overall comfort.
  • Gather the essentials: Don’t forget sun cream, a hat, rain protection, bandages, water bottles, magnesium tablets, energy bars, food, a spare shirt, and extra socks. For high-altitude hikes, add gloves, a warmer jacket (preferably merino wool), and hiking poles to your gear.
  • Just before the hike: Take a good look at the route and altitude as well as the weather forecast. If thunderstorms are expected, it’s best to stay home.

Following these simple tips and making sure you are fully prepared and have everything you need will ensure that nothing stands in the way of your next mountain adventure. Grandpa Sepp is always ready to share his expert tips on mountain tours, summit ascents, and multi-day tours; he is the very definition of a mountain expert. At his peak, he covered up to 60,000 metres in altitude each year! Grandpa Sepp knows the Pitztal mountains like the back of his hand.

By the way: energy bars for a power boost between meals or at the summit can be easily made from crushed dates, honey, and nuts.