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A powerful start to the new year

What are your resolutions?

Our tips to get the year off to a powerful start

We’re sure you’re familiar with it: the long list with ambitious goals for the new year. But more often than not, we’ve already forgotten about our positive resolutions by the end of January – and then put them back on the list 11 months later.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! We’ve put together various tips for you here that we find work brilliantly:

  1. Choose your goals carefully: Your resolutions shouldn’t just be about work; they should also improve your health, personal life, and general happiness. How about “spend time outside”, “try a new sport”, or “make more time for my family”?
  2. Make your goals specific: “More sport” is quite ambiguous and is difficult to achieve. It’s better to define your goals using numbers: How many hours a week do you want to do sport? How many kilometres would you like to be able to run, how much weight do you want to lose?
  3. Stay realistic: Set yourself manageable goals. Look forward to achieving success!

You’ll also find plenty of power and energy here with us at Sportalm in Pitztal. We can’t wait to welcome you!